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WebReinvent WebReinvent

WebReinvent has 10+ years of experience in building software and a team of 35 software professionals including frontend developers, software developers, UI/UX designers, testers, project managers, etc. We have been developing blazing-fast frontends using NuxtJS with 5+ years of experience and the team is well versed with the NuxtJs modules and the entire ecosystem. We are one of the most process-driven companies and we love to follow industry standards. Some of them are managing git repo, code review, release deployments via CI/CD, automated software testing, maintaining detailed technical documentation, application performance monitoring, etc. We have been delivering MVP to enterprise-level software products from startup to MSME. We have also developed & deployed large-scale API and multi-tenant SaaS applications. We would love to chat and learn more about your dream project.

Contact WebReinvent

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New Dehli, IND - Louisville, KY


  • Nuxt Development
  • API Integrations
  • SaaS Development
  • Laravel Development
  • Mobile Apps